What things affect vitamin D production in sunlight and how much vitamin D does the body make from sunlight?
Vitamin D is made by the sunlight shining directly on your skin (no sunblock or clothing). Sunshine contains UVA and UVB light. UVB light reacts with molecules in the body to make vitamin D. Vitamin D levels are measured by a blood test. They measure 25 hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH) vitD). The UK adequate level…
30th Anniversary of the Manchester Central support group
The year 2024 marks 30 years of the Manchester Central Support Group of the Royal Osteoporosis Society. From our beginnings at Crumpsall Hospital in 1994 to online Zoom meetings in 2024. We continue to share information about osteoporosis and bone health. Offering a friendly and welcoming space for people to support each other and ask…
Can I get vitamin D from the sun if I am inside sitting by the window on a sunny day?
It’s a sunny day and you are feeling the sun on your skin, but is it enough to get Vitamin D? You can get Vitamin D from sunlight but it depends In the UK you can get vitamin D from sun light if: So the answer is no, you can’t get vitamin D from sunshine…